Haiku: An Armful of Driftwood

a border collie walking along the beach in strong winds
sand bars, driftwood and a wild sea

an armful of
driftwood for the stove …
arctic wind

© Xenia Tran

15th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest
Selected Haiku Submission Collection

close up of a large piece of driftwood resting on the sand

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday and a peaceful rest of the week,

with love from Xenia and Bria xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Xingfu Mama’s Whatsoever is Lovely Challenge 2024 Week 4

Jez Braithwaite’s Water Water Everywhere #206

Author: Tranature - quiet moments in nature

The stories, poems and photographs on Tranature are the original creative work of Xenia Tran, inspired by the natural surroundings of the Scottish Highlands.

28 thoughts on “Haiku: An Armful of Driftwood”

  1. I can feel the wind! When I was kid I loved the cold clear air that came out of the north. I used to go to the top of the trail (we lived at the beach on the north end of Vahon Island and there was no way to drive to our house) and I would spread out my arms like wings and run down the trail.

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    1. Aww thank you so much for sharing this dear Kate! The northern winds are so pure and invigorating, I can imagine you running down the trail as a kid with your arms spread out like wings 😊 If we could run like that now it would be so much fun! 💖

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  2. Such a descriptive, evocative haiku… One of the best memories I have of the Oregon Coast is all the driftwood scattered about, smoothed by years of wind and sand and water. The images are beautiful, as always, and I was especially captivated by the second image of the dune grasses and the sea. It’s such an austere scene, but it expresses the essence of the seashore so well. It’s lonely and timeless and I can feel the wind and smell the salt of the ocean. Your gifts keep on giving, Xenia. Wonderful stuff. All the best to you and yours, my friend. :)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Mike and for walking along with us here 😊 I can imagine it would have been invigorating on the Oregon Coast at this time of year too with plenty of smooth driftwood! I love these timeless places and Bria is showing us how to enjoy them time and time again anew. Thank you again for stopping by and much love back from our house to yours 🐾💚🐾

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Laurie and yes, many people do this. They sometimes bring saws and wheelbarrows for the larger pieces 💚 xxx

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    1. Aww thank you so much for your kind words dear Denis, it was a pretty wild yet beautiful day! 🌞


    1. Aww thank you so much for your kind words dear Brian, there will be many more images to come with Bria carrying a fine piece of driftwood 😊🧡

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    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Cathy and I hope you are keeping warm and cosy too 🧡 Please give sweet Flynn a gentle pat from us all and much love back from our house to yours 🤗💕🐕 xxx

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  3. Glad to know you are staying warm, Xenia. I am hoping we have an early spring this year, and that we both have reasonable to above normal temps until then. I cannot wait until I can spend more time outside, digging in the dirt, on my bike, etc. Sending hugs from me and the two furry children. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Mary, an early Spring would be wonderful! 💚 Love and hugs back to you, Gibbs and Hoshi from all of us here 🤗💕🐈 xxx

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