
friendly swan (cob) swimming in a pond towards the camera

Welcome to Tranature

This is a quiet place for my nature photography, poetry and meditations in the Scottish Highlands. Occasionally I will include translations from my Dutch poetry, which is more human-centered, on this blog too.

My posts will give you a flavour of our encounters with the tranquillity of the forests, the ebb and flow of tidal rivers, the peace beside the pond.

We are blessed with many birds in the area, who mate for life. I greet and follow them through the seasons and I hope you will enjoy following their journey too.

My other blog, Whippet Wisdom, features poems and images inspired by our walks with our two adopted whippets Eivor (2010-2022) and Pearl (2011-2022) and our Forever Foster whippet Misty (2010-2023). We have published two collections from this blog in aid of good causes.

Our first collection Sharing our Horizon was published in aid of animal rehoming shelters in September 2018 and is available in paperback, ebook and Kindle editions.

Our second collection Between Heather and Grass – Poems and Photographs Filled with Love, Hope and Whippets was published in aid of a children’s cancer charity in memory of our nephew Jamie Baker, and in aid of animal rehoming shelters in October 2019. It is now available in paperback, ebook and Kindle editions.

We hope you’ll enjoy walking through the seasons and nature with us.

With love, Xenia xxx

two male mallard ducks swimming in a pond