Tanka: Dappled Light


a male and female mallard duck resting under a bush


under a bush
ducks resting on spring grass
dappled light
ahead of his love and her nest
a swan guards the river

© Xenia Tran



a male swan guarding the river at low tide

With love from Xenia xxx


Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.


Carpe Diem Spring Retreat 2018: The Light of the World

Twiglet #74: Under a Bush

Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Lines

Daily Prompt: Observe


Author: Tranature - quiet moments in nature

The stories, poems and photographs on Tranature are the original creative work of Xenia Tran, inspired by the natural surroundings of the Scottish Highlands.

15 thoughts on “Tanka: Dappled Light”

    1. Thank you Jules, so lovely you have ducks and geese around! We are blessed with a few swan families and many ducks nesting nearby and hear the geese fly over – it is rare to see them up close in these parts ☺

      Liked by 1 person

      1. One of the local collages has a pond with a black and white swan pair. But I think something happened to one of them. Now the photo shows two white ones.

        Some fun facts I didn’t know: Millers is the male swan (called a cob)
        S’Ville is the the female (called a pen)
        Swans usually form pairs for life
        The young or baby swans are called cygnets.
        Swan nests are usually a large pile of reeds and water plants.
        Female usually lays four to six eggs
        She incubates them until they hatch about 30-35 days later.
        The male guards the nest from predators and may take over incubation so that the female can feed.
        The babies emerge short-necked and thickly downed; though capable of running and swimming a few hours after hatching, they are carefully tended for several months
        Both parents tend the cygnets, which are sometimes seen riding on the back of a swimming parent.
        Cygnets first learn to float in the water, then start to fly in about 60-75 days.
        Young swans do not grow their white feathers until the next summer

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for these fun facts Jules! Our river pen and her previous cob raised 62 cygnets together before the cob sadly passed away. She found a new mate last year and has been on the nest since early April – fingers crossed all will go well! 😉

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