Haiku: Cherry Blossom Moon

close up of cherry blossoms in dappled light
close up of cherry blossoms in dappled light

cherry blossom
the whole of the moon
turns pink

© Xenia Tran

haikuKATHA Issue 10, August 2022

close up of cherry blossoms and buds in dappled light

With warm thanks to Terri Hale French for her invitation to create haiku incorporating a song title.

The song that inspired my haiku was The Whole of the Moon by The Waterboys:

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday and a peaceful rest of the week,

with love from Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Cee’s Flower of the Day

Author: Tranature - quiet moments in nature

The stories, poems and photographs on Tranature are the original creative work of Xenia Tran, inspired by the natural surroundings of the Scottish Highlands.

20 thoughts on “Haiku: Cherry Blossom Moon”

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Cathy 💜🎶 A wonderful Wednesday to you too and please give sweet Flynn a gentle pat from us all 🤗💕🐕 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thank you kindly, that’s wonderful! 😃 It is such a lovely song and great to hear you enjoy singing it too! 💜🎶

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Ju-Lyn and we wish you a blessed Mid-Autumn Festival! 🌸 xxx


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