Wordless Wednesday: Crab Apple Blossom

close up of crab apple blossom in the rain
close up of crab apple blossom in the rain
crab apple blossom in the rain

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr

Wordless Wednesday

Cee’s Flower of the Day

Author: Tranature - quiet moments in nature

The stories, poems and photographs on Tranature are the original creative work of Xenia Tran, inspired by the natural surroundings of the Scottish Highlands.

15 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Crab Apple Blossom”

  1. These images remind me of my days on the farm, when we’d finally get rain. The tender overcast lighting would lend a glow to everything, and rain droplets would congregate on scrub oak leaves and lupine blossoms. I can smell the rain right now… Beautiful images as always, Xenia. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Mike, those treasured moments on the farm sound very special and what a wonderful place to explore as a wide-eyed child and youngster! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

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